Success Story Laila

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Geschreven door: Diana Potse

In this blog, we sit down with Laila, a recruitment consultant at Middle Point, to chat about her journey to the Netherlands, the challenges she faced, and her rewarding experience in the world of recruitment. It’s a story of new beginnings, personal growth, and making meaningful connections in her work.

1. How Did You Find Your Way to Middle Point?

I was on a job search and found a posting on LinkedIn from Middle Point. They were looking for a German-speaking recruitment consultant, which caught my attention since I had already decided to focus on recruitment after my studies. The position seemed interesting, so I applied."

“One or two days later, Marina, a former colleague, contacted me, and we had a great conversation. It was refreshing because I had submitted many applications and spoken to many companies, but with Marina, the conversation felt more genuine. She wanted to know my motivations and what I was interested in, which made a big difference. This approach really stood out to me.“

2. Were there any doubts about moving to the Netherlands?

I had already spent half a year in the Netherlands for an internship and loved it. Dutch people were very friendly, positive, and seemed to enjoy the small things in life. I also liked how compact the country is. In Germany, I'm used to long travel times since I grew up in the countryside, so traveling in the Netherlands feels easy.

The work culture in the Netherlands was another big draw for me. There's open communication, fewer hierarchies, and more opportunities to get involved without having to ask for permission multiple times. It felt more relaxed and collaborative, which I appreciated.

But I did have concerns—mainly about finding accommodation and being away from family and friends in Germany. I worried that starting from scratch in a new country would be overwhelming, but thankfully, it hasn’t been the case. I’m still happy to be here

3. How Has Your International Experience Shaped Your Work?

When it comes to relocation, my experience definitely influences how I approach candidates. Having gone through the process of moving to another country, I understand how candidates may feel—especially when they’re making a big decision to start a new chapter in a different place.

People who haven't experienced relocation can still do a great job, of course, but having been through it myself gives me a different perspective. It helps when suggesting that candidates move for a job because I know firsthand what the experience is like.

4. What Do You Love Most About the Netherlands?

I love the simplicity of life here. The people, the architecture, the events—there’s always something to do, and everyone’s just enjoying their time. I especially love how easy it is to just sit together, have a drink, some food, and relax.

And I have to say, I love the Dutch language. It sounds sweet to me! I know it’s not easy to learn, but I enjoy listening to it—even if I don’t understand everything yet.

5. What are the biggest Opportunities for Growth in Maritime Recruitment?

Globalization of Talent: “There’s a lot of potential in international talent pools, especially with the rise of remote working and global mobility. We can fill local market gaps with specialized international candidates.”

And upskilling and reskilling: “As technology and sustainability evolve, there’s a growing need to upskill maritime professionals. Recruitment agencies can help by offering training programs in areas like digital competencies and sustainability.“

6. What do you think the trends shaping the future of maritime recruitment are?

The first one is Sustainability and Green Technology: “There’s a shift towards green technologies like alternative fuels and energy-efficient ship designs. This impacts recruitment because companies are looking for engineers with skills in these areas.“

The second one is digitalization: “The rise of digitalization is another big trend, with autonomous vessels and AI-driven systems creating demand for professionals in maritime software development, robotics, and data science.“

7. What is the most Memorable Moment as a Recruiter?

“It’s always memorable when I help someone find a job they’re happy with. When I meet them later and hear about how their life has changed, it’s really inspiring. It makes the challenging days worth it and gives me motivation to keep going.”


A futuristic concept sketch of a zero-emission ship powered by hydrogen and ammonia. The ship is depicted with clean lines and technical details, showcasing advanced technology. The background features a futuristic harbor with modern, advanced infrastructure, including sleek buildings and high-tech docking facilities.

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