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Funny Dutch sayings Part II

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1. "When the calf has drowned, one fills the well."

Translation: "Als het kalf verdronken is, dempt men de put"

This translates to It means that people often act only after something bad has happened, rather than taking preventative measures beforehand. It is a humorous saying because it seems counterintuitive to wait until after a tragedy to fix the problem.

2. "There's a hair in the butter."

Translation: "Er zit een haar in de boter"

It means that there is a problem or conflict in a situation. It is a funny saying because it is such a strange and unexpected image.

3. "The soup is not eaten as hot as it's served."

"De soep wordt niet zo heet gegeten als hij wordt opgediend"

It means that things are often not as bad as they seem, and that people tend to exaggerate. It is a funny saying because it is a bit of a tongue-twister.

4. "To turn someone a lure."

"Iemand een loer draaien" - This phrase means "to turn someone a lure." It is used to describe tricking or deceiving someone. It is a funny saying because the image of turning someone into a fishing lure is so odd.

5. “There is not a single rooster which crows at it".

“Geen haan die ernaar kraait”

This phrase means no one will care about that, no one will discover that.Dutch is a language full of amusing and quirky expressions that are sure to make you smile. These six sayings are just a small sample of the many funny phrases in the Dutch language, and they give a glimpse into the colourful and playful nature of the language.

What is your favorite Dutch saying? Do you have similar ones in your own language?


Meet the Team: Youssef

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We have a new recruiter on board! We are extremely happy to have Youssef on board as our newest recruiter!

technology in Rotterdam harbor

A Look at Rotterdam Harbour's Technological Evolution

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Rotterdam Europoort's remarkable evolution from a small fishing village to Europe's largest and most advanced port is a testament to technological innovation. From the game-changing containerization of the 1960s to contemporary automation and sustainability initiatives, the port's progress is awe-inspiring. This blog delves into five pivotal technological advancements that have driven this maritime success story, shaping not only the port but also the future of maritime trade. Continue reading!

A vibrant and detailed artistic image celebrating International Women in Engineering Day. The scene depicts several women engineers collaborating in a maritime environment. They are shown working with ship blueprints, various engineering tools, and models of offshore platforms. The women are engaged in discussion and hands-on activities, symbolizing teamwork and innovation. The colors blue (#2B7CF2) and yellow (#F4CA26) are prominently used throughout the image, reflecting Middle Point's branding. The background subtly incorporates the Middle Point logo, blending harmoniously with the overall design. The style of the image is artistic and avoids realism, focusing instead on a harmonious blend of colors and shapes to create an inspiring and celebratory atmosphere.

Celebrating International Women in Engineering Day!

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International Women in Engineering Day (INWED) is celebrated annually on June 23rd. It's a day to honor the incredible contributions of women engineers around the world and to inspire the next generation of female engineers. This year, let's celebrate the achievements, break down barriers, and acknowledge the strides made toward gender equality in engineering.