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Success Story: Lisa-Maria

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Autor: Diana Potse

She was approached by Middle Point in August of last year, which came at what seems the right time because she was feeling like she needed a new challenge . Even though she had never been to the Netherlands before, curiosity won and she decided to take the step and move to the Netherlands. She now works as an ISL Engineer for Damen Naval.

Even though the housing market was tough, it seemed like good luck was on her side and found a place within 100m from the beach.

Her favorite thing about the Netherlands is the hospitality, and how quick people seem to help out when needed. After hearing that she was moving , her line manager didn’t hesitate to recruit people to help and next thing she knew, there were 15 people helping her move in.

Her advice for relocating is to surround yourself (with what?) that make you feel like home. Thanks to living in modern times you can find expat groups on Facebook that can provide you with help and advice. But most important: don’t be afraid of the unknown; things have a way of working out in the end! Oh, and surround yourself with items that make your new place YOUR home! This could be pictures, paintings, sculptures or other things that give you a feeling of home!

Fun fact about Lisa-Marie: she speaks fluent Slovenian since her parents decided to sign her up for a Slovenian school back in Austria!


an illustration of a futuristic, autonomous freight ship at sea

Transforming the Maritime Industry: The Role of Automation and AI

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The maritime industry, a cornerstone of global trade, has long relied on manual labor and traditional methods for operations. However, the rise of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) is ushering in a new era of efficiency, safety, and sustainability.

zwei Stapel von Münzen

The 30% Ruling Explained

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The Dutch government offers the opportunity for expats to benefit from tax breaks by applying a 30% tax facility. This ruling is certainly appealing to potential expats. However, certain criteria do need to be met. Continue reading to find out if you are eligible for this measurement!

A futuristic concept sketch of a zero-emission ship powered by hydrogen and ammonia. The ship is depicted with clean lines and technical details, showcasing advanced technology. The background features a futuristic harbor with modern, advanced infrastructure, including sleek buildings and high-tech docking facilities.

What Are the Developments in Alternative Fuels in the Maritime Industry?

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Fuel consumption is a massive topic across the maritime industry. In 2022, global shipping alone accounted for nearly 3% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. Reducing the amount of fuel consumed and switching to alternative non-fossil-based fuels can significantly impact the globe’s greenhouse gas production.